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How to Avoid Employee Burnout

Every job comes with some degree of stress. However, when stress builds over days, weeks, or months, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, and anger can begin to build up in employees. If those feelings remain for an extended period, workers may start disengaging. Additionally, employees can begin experiencing burnout.

Employee burnout is detrimental for many reasons. Along with harming a worker’s mental health, burnout classically comes with lower productivity, diminished work quality, negative attitudes in the workplace, and a slew of other issues. As a result, managers should proactively work to prevent burnout among their team members.

Here’s an Overview of What Burnout is, As Well as How Managers Can Help Employees Avoid It.

What Burnout Is

Burnout is a state that comes with significant mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. Typically, it occurs when there’s prolonged or excessive stress, particularly if there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.

Generally, employees experiencing burnout feel drained, tired, or rundown. They may struggle to cope with the existing stress or new stressors that become part of the equation. In turn, it’s common for individuals experiencing burnout to disengage at work, leading to noticeable changes in their productivity or work quality. Additionally, they may exhibit negative moods that aren’t typical of them.

How to Address and Prevent Burnout

Managers do have the ability to both address and prevent employee burnout. One critical step is to assess workloads to ensure workers aren’t genuinely overburdened. Frequent mandatory overtime is a classic sign of an overtasked team. However, any situation where employees have little ability to maintain suitable work-life balance can also be a red flag.

If possible, rebalance workloads or bring in additional employees to reduce the burden on your existing staff. Additionally, find ways to promote work-life balance, such as limiting overtime, encouraging breaks, and ensuring workers take time off to relax.

Offering opportunities to work from home can also assist with preventing or addressing burnout. It eliminates the need for a commute and allows employees to stay in an environment that often feels comfortable. Plus, it lets them avoid common workplace distractions, which can make focusing easier.

Also, make sure your expectations align with mental wellness. For example, let workers know that they aren’t required to answer emails or respond to other communications after hours. That can prevent the feeling of always being “on,” effectively giving them permission to disconnect.

Finally, recognize that each employee has unique needs. If a worker is exhibiting signs of burnout or is at risk of developing it, schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss the challenges they’re facing. Then, work with them to identify viable solutions, offering as much support as possible to ensure they can regain their footing.

Do You Need to Expand Your Team?

Ensuring you have a reliable, efficient team makes work less stressful for everyone. By partnering with a staffing firm, you can fill vacant positions quickly, ensuring you can secure right-fit candidates that will excel in their roles. If you have openings you need to fill with top talent, Premier Staffing Inc. can help. Contact us today.

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